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Morning Routine

Welcome to our functional movement class, designed to invigorate and wake up your entire body. This class focuses on comprehensive, full-body exercises that enhance overall strength, flexibility, and coordination. By engaging in a variety of dynamic movements, you will activate multiple muscle groups, improve your balance, and boost your energy levels. Whether you’re looking to […]

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Letting the Qi flow in Portugal

This class is filmed during one our our trainings in Portugal. We start with some Qi activation, warming up the meridians, and some easy “yang” sequences. Into southing yin yoga poses. We hope you enjoy this classes with public.

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Breathe, Then Move

Starting with a short Pranayama exercise to clean the respiratory system and calm the energy we then move to some vigorous movement and closing off with some quiet yin.

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The Stork, the Owl and the Dragon

from warming the body up we go into a nice flow, that could be experienced as intense however its sometimes good as a “beginner” to explore! we finish with some nice gentle yin yoga.

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Being a Warrior

Warrior inspired class, but we are always warriors of peace! We start waking up the body, moving into some energizing Yang and ending with soothing yin!

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Backbends Fun

As you may have noticed I’m a big fan of spinal health. In my humble opinion it’s one of the most important things that we can do in our daily (city) lives!

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Rhythms Of The Heart

This practice is all about the heart – opening it through stretches, strengthening it with light cardio and nourishing it with whatever makes it truly full and happy. And of course a whole body workout and delicious rebound included.

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Expanding with the Wood element

Wood is the element of spring, connected to the liver- and gallbladder meridians. We start this class by mobilizing the big joints, hips, shoulders and spine. getting some movement in our system with yang flow. Finishing this class by addressing the liver- and galbladder meridians.

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Moving through the Chakras

This is not your typical Yin or Yang class, in this class we become aware of the locations of the chakras and then moving the body to see if we can get in touch with the energy go the body and chakras.

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Qi Gong to Yin

This is an other class in where we combine Qi Gong and Yin yoga. For me personally this combination works fantastic, letting the Qi flow with gentle movement and then getting into a bit more static poses, gives me a great sense of rebound!From our Qi Gong movements we flow into “the Golden Seed” before […]

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Moving with the Fire Element

In this class we use the fire element to guide us. We start slow, like a small fire, just starting. Then moving faster like a fire in its peak and slowing down again – like all transitions within a fire. The fire element is connected to the Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and Triple Heater meridians […]

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A Yoga for Your Karma Class

Karma is the fruit of all our actions: mentally and physically, good and bad. Therefore it’s good to stay as equanimous as possible. Getting into this state is very hard, maybe one of the hardest things you can do! In this class we start with some yin poses, focussing on the spine, getting the energy […]

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Surprise Class 2

I don’t say anything about this class beside that there where a lot of request for an other surprise class! The only thing I would say: try it, its fun!

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Freedom Practice

Full on practice! Lots of time to create space in the warm up and then some creative strengthening movements and even some cardio too. Delicious stretches and a short meditation int the end, all geared toward freeing body, mind and heart of anything that brings you down.

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Beach Body

You need a body and bring it to the beach, that’ll give you a beach body 🙂 This is a short class, quite intense and challenging in the beginning. The last part (20 min) is juicy yin yoga poses! Enjoy.

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90 min Yin Yang

We do a little bit of everything in this class: warming up, breath exercises, yang vinyasa yoga and yin poses. Not a difficult class but a nice long one!

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Easy does it!

Great class for those who sit most of the day or for after a long flight – easy does it! We’re stretching and activating all the body parts that need to move after a couple of hours of sitting.

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Strong & Calm

Moving all muscle groups and joints towards a flow that strengthens not only the body but especially the mind and still leaves space for enjoyment and reflection. My kind of practice all the way.

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Ride the Breath

This is a continuous flow kind of class, where the challenge lies not so much on the postures, but on the coordination with the breath. Even when challenged – of course we’ll do some balance and some warrior stuff – just keep riding the wind of your breath. We finish with a few delicious yin […]

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Soft Yin to Fierce Yang

This new sequence leaves the spine completely juicy and strong, while also working hips, balance and coordination as always. The sequence is build up in blocks, allowing time and energy to work their way gradually in the body. We start with a few yin poses and use the juiciness of the fascia to carry us […]

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Self-Confidence Practice

I got into this practice at a time of insecurity, and found great support and fun in it. It’s not long or particularly hard, but challenging in a way that tickles the nervous system into change. A few yin poses at the end round up the deliciousness.

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The Movement of Water

After using the earth element for grounding and strengthening, we now use water to generate fluidity and control. Movements are more flowing and light, with a strong core and some balance as focus points. As you probably know, you can’t practice balance without losing it sometimes, and you will see me do so fabulously. We […]

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Ground Control

Standing on our own legs means finding the strength to sustain ourselves and take steps in the directions we wanna go. This class is all about using the element each, our legs and inner power.

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After traveling

This class is designed for coming back after a long (plane/car) trip. We know that the body is stiff because when we sit in the plane for a couple of hours there is not much room to stand, walk of even move a little. Its an easy Yin-Yang class, focusing on the back of the […]

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