50 minutes
Yin in Portugal 1
Relaxing Yin Class
Breathe, Then Move
Being a Warrior
The Change and The Changeless (through bear, elephant & other animals)
Rhythms Of The Heart
Swingin’ & Twistin’
Flow with the Divine
Glorious Fascia
Ride the Breath
Strength Through Calmness
Warriors Within: Bow and Arrow, Arjuna’s weapons
Warriors are a huge source of inspiration for me, as I feel that life demands nothing less of us. I have been developing a series inspired by the warriors of the Mahabharata and their weapons of choice, in an effort to develop in myself the strength and wisdom to deal with everything the comes my […]
Warrior Training 2: Swing the Sword
Yin Detox
This class focuses on long held and passive twists, which will increase the blood flow to the fascia surrounding and supporting the organs. This gentle stimulation may help flush out toxins and increase the absorption of oxygen and nutrients, regenerating the whole system. In my experience, this is a great practice to improve our mood […]