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Long Nyasa Meditation, Descending

This is a bit of a loner meditation – about 30 minutes – that has been my morning routine for the last years. This practice is a descending Nyasa, staying for 3 minutes at each chakra and a long rebound at the end.

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Qi Gong to Yin

This is an other class in where we combine Qi Gong and Yin yoga. For me personally this combination works fantastic, letting the Qi flow with gentle movement and then getting into a bit more static poses, gives me a great sense of rebound!From our Qi Gong movements we flow into “the Golden Seed” before […]

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Strong, Slow, Delicious

This class works the whole body in a juicy, unhurried tempo that allows for muscle activation and exploration without staying too long and missing the flow. It works legs, hips, spine, shoulders and arms with a special focus on the lateral sides of the body. Deliciousness is an important focus too 😉

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Surprise Class 2

I don’t say anything about this class beside that there where a lot of request for an other surprise class! The only thing I would say: try it, its fun!

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Yin yoga on the Wall

In this easy yin class we will use the wall as our biggest friend. In different classes we use the wall as prop sometimes but in this one its our main prop.

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After traveling

This class is designed for coming back after a long (plane/car) trip. We know that the body is stiff because when we sit in the plane for a couple of hours there is not much room to stand, walk of even move a little. Its an easy Yin-Yang class, focusing on the back of the […]

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Morning Express: Aim True

Morning Express is our short practices combining physical exercise and meditation, meant to give you all that you need in a nice, small package. This one focuses on finding focus and aiming true to hit our targets.

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Morning Express: Yin and Kapalabhati

This practice is especially nice for when you are recovering from tiredness or illness, or when your body needs something else than a workout. We start with some yin poses, not staying too long but enough to get the chi going, and then spend some time practicing kapalabhati, a strong breathing exercise that clears the sinuses […]

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This is a shorter yin practice designed to reconnect ourselves to our own inner intelligence and wisdom. Placing the focus on the liver and gall bladder meridians we use the poses to gently irrigate the body with new energy and calmness.

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Morning Express: Front & Back

We start on the floor as (almost) always and build up to a gentle flow focusing on the front and the back of the body, with nourishment and structure. We finish with a meditation awakening sushumna, the energy channel that rises from the tail bone towards the top of the head.

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The Basics for beginners

A beginners class for those of you who have never done yoga before and those who just want to practice a little slower! We are moving through some sun salutations and a few standing poses before getting back to the floor again.

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Meridian Boost: Liver and Gallbladder Meridian

The Liver chi coordinates and regulates the movement of chi everywhere in the body. The Taoist call the liver ‘the General’ of the body, it governs a healthy chi flow within us. The Liver meridian begins on the top of the big toe, runs up to the inside of the leg and enters the torso […]

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Slow & Juicy

If you love floor work this class is for you! We spend quite some time working hip joints, spine, legs and abs on the floor before we move slowly into some gentle sun salutations. Great for mornings, but also highly effective when particularly stiff for any reason.

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Ashtavakra, the story behind the pose

We start with the story about Asthavakra. The sage who was born with eight different deformities of the body, and who was so intelligent that he saved his father and grandfather in a philosophical debate. We build this class up to the actual pose: Ashtavakrasana. Know that you never have to preform the pose, however […]

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Morning Express: Be Strong!

This class was designed to give you a powerful shot of strength and energy, especially for challenging times, or for when we feel a lack of motivation and self confidence.

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Don’t Carry The World Up On Your Shoulders

A class specifically designed to gently and deeply melt away tensions around the shoulders and upper back areas. Especially nice after long days behind the computer or the wheel. As always with yin-like classes, keep a blanket, block and belt close by, they can come in handy.

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.

Gall Bladder & Liver Session

This is a shorter sequence meant to move around the energies of these meridians, supporting our processes of detoxification on all levels. When these energies are flowing well, we find it much easier to deal with our daily challenges and choices.

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.