Long Nyasa Meditation, Descending

This is a bit of a loner meditation – about 30 minutes – that has been my morning routine for the last years. This practice is a descending Nyasa, staying for 3 minutes at each chakra and a long rebound at the end.

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Morning Routine

Welcome to our functional movement class, designed to invigorate and wake up your entire body. This class focuses on comprehensive, full-body exercises that enhance overall strength, flexibility, and coordination. By engaging in a variety of dynamic movements, you will activate multiple muscle groups, improve your balance, and boost your energy levels. Whether you’re looking to […]

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Spinal Flow to Release the Spine

This class is dedicated to spinal health, specifically targeting issues caused by prolonged sitting. Extended periods of sitting can compress the spine, leading to various health problems. In this class, we focus on releasing spinal tension and strengthening the supporting muscles around the spine. By improving spinal health, we aim to alleviate discomfort, enhance posture, […]

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Afternoon Class

This class is perfect for the afternoon, clearing your head and stretching your body after work. We start with an easy pranayama exercise followed by some hatha yoga poses, we do an other pranayama exercise followed by some poses again. We end this class with a short meditation.

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Anytime Express – Strength

Another one in the Anytime Express series, this time focused on strength. We start moving right away without much of a warm-up. Feel free to add your own warm-up or combine with another (part of a) class here!

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Anapana Meditation

Anapana meditation focuses on the area between the nostrils and the upper lip. It’s a straightforward practice where we concentrate on the sensations in this specific region.

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Anytime Express – Balance

A short practice with not much of a warm-up – we start standing up and start moving straight away. This sequence is focused on balance. You can combine it with your own warm-up or pick something from another class if you wish!

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Balancing Your Spine: Yin Yoga for Scoliosis Relief

This class is great for people with Scoliosis: a lot of experimenting with what your body can do! And beside this it’s a great class for everyone 🙂 You’ll need 2 blocks, a belt, a meditation cushion, a bolster and a blanket.

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.

Go with the Flow

A short class in which we move without pause in a flow that wakes up the whole body. At the end of the class, we take a moment to quietly feel the movement, the energy that is present.

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Yin in Portugal 1

This class was given to teacher training students during a yin training in Portugal. There’s a lot of extra anatomical information, queues for getting in to poses and more.

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Qi Gong and Yin yoga in Portugal

This class is filmed during a training in Portugal with students in the studio. In this class we start Qi Gong with guest teacher Anna Feilchenveldt, she takes us through the 5 Chinese elements: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. Marcel takes over and going through he same elements but with yin yoga poses. We […]

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A Sense of Purpose

In this class we charge the poses with purpose – doing everything with attention and intention, two powerful tools. Short and strong, great to charge the body and calm the mind.

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Letting the Qi flow in Portugal

This class is filmed during one our our trainings in Portugal. We start with some Qi activation, warming up the meridians, and some easy “yang” sequences. Into southing yin yoga poses. We hope you enjoy this classes with public.

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Heart Coherence

This pranayama exercise is to calm down the heart, to connect to the heart. An exercise that is fantastic for stress release, anxiety, depression, insomnia and many other issues. Pranayama is also great before meditation.

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.

Clear View

In this short yin class we explore some wall variations of different poses. Of course, you are always welcome to chose another variation if the suggested one doesn’t serve you well!

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.