60 minutes
Yin For Calmness
Taking Care of your Natural Armor
The Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach and Spleen meridians are the outer layer of meridians, the are our defense system for everything that “attacks” from the outside. And from outside means everything outside, from a cold to negative impulses from people… If your Earth and Metal elements where these meridians are linked to are strong and […]
Surprise Class 3
A Gita Inspired Flow
Moving with the Fire Element
In this class we use the fire element to guide us. We start slow, like a small fire, just starting. Then moving faster like a fire in its peak and slowing down again – like all transitions within a fire. The fire element is connected to the Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and Triple Heater meridians […]
A Yoga for Your Karma Class
Karma is the fruit of all our actions: mentally and physically, good and bad. Therefore it’s good to stay as equanimous as possible. Getting into this state is very hard, maybe one of the hardest things you can do! In this class we start with some yin poses, focussing on the spine, getting the energy […]
Freedom Practice
Habit Breaker, Habit Builder
Habits are hugely influencing us all the time, many times in ways we are completely unaware of. Yogis call these habits samskaras and becoming aware of them so we can influence them when needed lies at the heart of yoga practice. This class has two parts: first we focus on a habit we wish to get […]
Backbending in Portugal
Soothing Yin
Yin yoga in Bergen the Netherlands
This class was filmed at Moon Yoga Club in Bergen (N-H) the Netherlands, during one of our trainings there. Its a standard yin yoga class where I give you options for different “target area’s”. You’ll find that when you do a class taught for a group it’s a little different than when you only have […]
Ground Control
Hanuman Goes Portugal
This class was filmed at D’Alijo Yoga Retreat Centre, where we lead retreats and teacher trainings. We wanted to share that experience with you, so e filmed this class during our Vinyasa TT there. Lots of attention for hamstrings leading to the peak pose – hanumanasana – but plenty of sweat and other fun things […]
Happy slow beginnings….
Meet the Big Five, a Yin Safari Through the Body
The Turtle that follows the Dragon that follows the Turtle: or From Yin to Yang to Yin!
Power Hour
After slowly warming up the whole body we focus our efforts on the legs, those wonderful things that carry us around. We use a chair for some of the exercises to practice stability and inner strength. There are some stretches at the end and a short meditative moment to feel all the energy available and […]
Happy Holidays!
Warrior Training
Calling all warriors for practice! This class is all built around strength and courage, and the idea that those are inner qualities we want to manifest in our bodies and our lives. You’ll need determination and honesty, and as always, some sense of humor to go through this training. Warriors are fierce and kind, and […]