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Afternoon Class

This class is perfect for the afternoon, clearing your head and stretching your body after work. We start with an easy pranayama exercise followed by some hatha yoga poses, we do an other pranayama exercise followed by some poses again. We end this class with a short meditation.

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When You Close Your Eyes

What do you see with your eyes closed? In this session, we will feel deeply in our Yin Yoga pose, meditate on the changing sensations of the exit with an inner eye toward the changing lights, colours, and potential dream-like visions that flow with all other rebounding sensations. The sound in the first 5 minutes […]

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Twisting and Walking the Dragon

In this class we combine different sequences designed by our teachers Suzee and Paul Grilley, its all yang from easy into more intense into easy! even though there are elements that can be tricky we believe its doable for all levels!

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Hatha yoga for the whole body

In this hatha yoga class we work on the whole body, we move slow from pose to pose. We stay a couple of breaths in each asana, but we don’t do any vinyasas.

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Back to Strength

This class is especially nice for when you feel, for whatever reason, fragile and even weak. Maybe you haven’t practiced in a while, been sick or stressed or just lazy; this class approaches strength from a place of calmness and with lots of respect for what you can do today. Core, back, arms, glutes, legs, […]

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Flowing with the Element of Water

This class is build around the element water seen from a TCM perspective. Its a Yin yoga class in where we don’t do “in-between” rebounds. We “flow” from one pose into the other. What we want to achieve with this yin class is that the water moves freely through our fascia. At the end of […]

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Structured Like the Metal Element

Metal cuts, metal gives structure and metal can be very straight forward. Thats what we do in this class – a very straight forward Yang yoga class in where we don’t flow like in vinyasa but just do our poses one by one. This class is inspired by the hot yoga 26 + 2 sequence.

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Grounding with the Earth Element

The element of Earth is connected to the end of the summer, right before autumn. Think Indian summer, when its still warm and your body sort of slows down… For me this is the perfect time to do yin yoga, that’s why I designed this class – slowing down, feeling the earth beneath you, and […]

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Mobility 101: the Spine

in this class we will work on spine mobility, just moving the spine in every direction which will keep your spine healthy and juicy!

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Beach Body

You need a body and bring it to the beach, that’ll give you a beach body 🙂 This is a short class, quite intense and challenging in the beginning. The last part (20 min) is juicy yin yoga poses! Enjoy.

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My Beach Body

What is a “beach body”? A tight, young, ripped, fat-free body? Or a body that can enjoy a good day at the beach, regardless of what it looks? You must know what our answer is. Which doesn’t mean we don’t get insecure like everybody else, of course. I have found that, when i feel strong, […]

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5 Movements of Joy

I have been experimenting with these movements for a while, easy, bouncy material meant to stimulate our fascia and cardiovascular system without complications or strain. They started as 5 but are slowly becoming too many to count, so expect more of those in the future. So curious to know about your experience with them, please […]

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Meridian Yin yoga & Qi Gong Class

In this class we really focus on moving Chi/Qi through our body. We start by feeling the Qi, moving it with a couple of Qi Gong exercises, and then “stretching” or stimulating the sinew meridians with Yin yoga.

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The stories we tell ourselves

In this surprise class we are going to do something really exciting! Are you ready??? The reason that I don’t tell you what we are up too is you may think I don’t like this, or I can’t do this… you can practice right? having fun and being excited for about what’s to come? Well […]

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Soft Yin to Fierce Yang

This new sequence leaves the spine completely juicy and strong, while also working hips, balance and coordination as always. The sequence is build up in blocks, allowing time and energy to work their way gradually in the body. We start with a few yin poses and use the juiciness of the fascia to carry us […]

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Speed Core +

This is a core focussed class, can’t say anything more about it… I love it and its intensity. You will probably feel your core the day after doing this class! You might want to be close to a wall you can use and have a block handy! Have Fun!

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Replenishing Yin

Moving the energies of the kidneys and the heart can deeply affect our overall inner state, especially when we feel tired and depleted somehow. Chest openers, hamstring stretches, shoulder stretches and twists, all deliciously yin to allow for a deeper rebound.

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Opening the front of the body may be a surprising anti ageing practice, keeping our spines, hearts and energies young and open. In chapasana we hold the ankle while opening the front of the thigh, and we explore many ways to do that. We start and finish with a gentle meditation to guide our efforts.

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Belly Power

Many of us shy away from core work, but I am a true believer of strong belly – kind heart – peaceful mind trio. This is a bit of a creative sequence, with lots of movements you know, meant to leave you feeling powerful, happy and calm.  The few stretches at the end help too.

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The Living Spine

So many of us have issues with their backs, so much so that we tend to think of the back as a fragile, dangerous place. There is also a tendency to treat the body as if it is inorganic, comparing it to a paper clip or a credit card. This short talk and practice is […]

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restorative yoga

this is a very mellow restorative yoga class. Different than in yin you don’t want to experience any “stress” in the poses, just relaxation. You’ll need however a couple of props like pillows, blankets a belt and maybe a block or 2. suggestion: wear warm clothes and make it as comfortable for yourself as possible.

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Happy Holidays 2018

Our yearly free holidays class for everyone, so again no excuse not to move this year 🙂 A sweet short 40 min class just for some energy during the holidays…. So take a break from eating and watching TV and move your body! This is my mixed up version of Suzee and Paul Grilley’s Animal […]

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Stimulating Manipura and Anahata chakra

In this class we stimulate Manupura and Anahata chakra on a gentle Yin and Yang way. These two chakras are both more or less in the middle of the spine. We’ll move and activate that part of the body to stir up the energy. On a physical level Manipura chakra rules the digestive system and […]

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