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Pincha Prep

Warming up and preparing for Pincha Mayurasana – forearm balance. Don’t let the end pose intimidate you! You can follow the preparations as far as you want. This is a class you can get back to again and again and slowly build up towards the pose. You have options if you don’t feel ready to […]

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Spinal Flow to Release the Spine

This class is dedicated to spinal health, specifically targeting issues caused by prolonged sitting. Extended periods of sitting can compress the spine, leading to various health problems. In this class, we focus on releasing spinal tension and strengthening the supporting muscles around the spine. By improving spinal health, we aim to alleviate discomfort, enhance posture, […]

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The Stork, the Owl and the Dragon

from warming the body up we go into a nice flow, that could be experienced as intense however its sometimes good as a “beginner” to explore! we finish with some nice gentle yin yoga.

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Being a Warrior

Warrior inspired class, but we are always warriors of peace! We start waking up the body, moving into some energizing Yang and ending with soothing yin!

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Hatha yoga for the whole body

In this hatha yoga class we work on the whole body, we move slow from pose to pose. We stay a couple of breaths in each asana, but we don’t do any vinyasas.

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Rhythms Of The Heart

This practice is all about the heart – opening it through stretches, strengthening it with light cardio and nourishing it with whatever makes it truly full and happy. And of course a whole body workout and delicious rebound included.

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Swingin’ & Twistin’

A full body creative flow, using lots of swings and twists to wring out tiredness, toxicity and heaviness from the whole system. We build up slowly but get into a nice swinging’ rhythm. Expect some leg and  core work too! A block can be handy.

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.

Back Strengthening

In this class we do all exercises that will strengthen the muscles in the back. Very important for a lot of people but especially when you sit a long part of the day. It’s not your typical yoga class but more a movement and strengthening class!

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Animal movement Inspired

This class is inspired by animal movements, we build it up slowly, practice all the movements and then weave them together!

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A Gita Inspired Flow

As you may know, the Bhagavad Gita is one of the most beloved and known books in the yoga tradition; less known is the fact that it is a small part of a much larger work, The Mahabharata. Here we learn about the five virtuous brothers who are devoid to justice, goodness and Lord Krishna, […]

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Surprise Class 2

I don’t say anything about this class beside that there where a lot of request for an other surprise class! The only thing I would say: try it, its fun!

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Freedom Practice

Full on practice! Lots of time to create space in the warm up and then some creative strengthening movements and even some cardio too. Delicious stretches and a short meditation int the end, all geared toward freeing body, mind and heart of anything that brings you down.

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Beach Body

You need a body and bring it to the beach, that’ll give you a beach body 🙂 This is a short class, quite intense and challenging in the beginning. The last part (20 min) is juicy yin yoga poses! Enjoy.

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Mobility 101: Hips

In this Mobility class we focus on the area around the hips joints, great way to explore where compression stops you, or where you can gain a little more flexibility. Exploring mobility is great beside your regular yoga practice, and great in combination with other disciplines like running, fitness/crossfit etc.

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A Yoga Workout

We here at TFY are huge fans of moving our body in all kinds of ways: very calmly and gently, moderately and quite intensely too. This class falls into the last category, and it is one of my go-to classes when I need a workout but can’t go to the gym. When doing yoga, it […]

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Work Those Quads

You know that I love Squats…, well in this class they are the dominant factor. of course we do a lot of different things, but hey… Squats and burpees:-)

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Strong & Calm

Moving all muscle groups and joints towards a flow that strengthens not only the body but especially the mind and still leaves space for enjoyment and reflection. My kind of practice all the way.

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The stories we tell ourselves

In this surprise class we are going to do something really exciting! Are you ready??? The reason that I don’t tell you what we are up too is you may think I don’t like this, or I can’t do this… you can practice right? having fun and being excited for about what’s to come? Well […]

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Creating new Habits

To create a new habit, you need repetition either its mental or physical. Yogis call a habit or pattern of behavior a Samskara, in this class we are going to cultivate the Samskara of Push-ups! Highly recommended to do this class several times in order to train your body and oh yes and your Mind […]

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Backbending in Portugal

This is a full hour class building up strength, balance, stability and space, especially on the back of the body. It was filmed in Portugal during our Vinyasa TT, which always has a different vibe. When we work in twos, feel free to try on your own!

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Self-Confidence Practice

I got into this practice at a time of insecurity, and found great support and fun in it. It’s not long or particularly hard, but challenging in a way that tickles the nervous system into change. A few yin poses at the end round up the deliciousness.

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.

Morning Express: Full Body Power

You don’t need a lot of time to get a complete workout, awakening, strengthening, raising your heartbeat just enough to oxygenate an invigorate body and mind for the day to come. We even sit a bit at the end to absorb all the goodness into the heart.

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.

Speed Core +

This is a core focussed class, can’t say anything more about it… I love it and its intensity. You will probably feel your core the day after doing this class! You might want to be close to a wall you can use and have a block handy! Have Fun!

To watch this class you’ll need to sign up, or sign in if you already have an account.