Metta Meditation
Join Marcel for a transformative session in Metta meditation, also known as Loving Kindness meditation. In this class, we’ll focus on cultivating compassion and warmth by sending positive energy and thoughts into the world. This practice encourages a deep sense of peace and connection, both within ourselves and with others, helping us nurture empathy and […]
Body Awareness Meditation
In this meditation session, we begin with focused breath awareness to center the mind and promote relaxation. As we progress, we guide you through a comprehensive body scan, where you will observe and acknowledge physical sensations throughout your entire body. This practice helps to enhance mindfulness, reduce stress, and increase bodily awareness. By the end […]
Long Nyasa Meditation, Descending
Afternoon Class
Anapana Meditation
Quiet Heart Meditation
The Mantra Experiment
The mantra “so-ham” means “that I am.” It is so simple and deeply meaningful, and it’s power grows within in the practitioner bringing its vibration and truth within. As an internal sense of sound, it is also a practical tool for settling into stillness. I encourage you to see if it helps settle in your […]
Ascending Ham Sa Meditation
Kapalabhati & Meditation
Vishuddha Meditation
Meditation on Muladhara, Svadhisthana & Ajna Chakra
Pranayama and Meditation
Chakra Meditation: Breath, Bandhas & Nada Sounds
Meditation on Manipura and Visuddha Chakra, charging your natural defense
Manipura chakra has a relationship with the stomach and spleen meridians while Visuddha chakra has a relationship with the lung and large intestine meridians. Meditating on these two centers will help you to charge up your natural defense system, of it could help you to let go of things you hold on to much but […]