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Heart Coherence

This pranayama exercise is to calm down the heart, to connect to the heart. An exercise that is fantastic for stress release, anxiety, depression, insomnia and many other issues. Pranayama is also great before meditation.

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Box Breathing

In this pranayama class we practice 4-4-4-4 or “box breath” or breathing like a “Navy seal”, a way to focus the mind and to slow down.

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About Pranayamas

There is much confusion in yoga about what is pranayama, and its goals in our practices. Pranayma means the control of prana, the life force that circulates in our bodies and keeps us alive. Moving air in the lungs is one way of becoming aware of it, but not the only one. A short talk […]

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Breaking Down Trikonasana

In this lecture Marcel explains and breaks down Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose), why do we do this pose and what is the right way to do it for you?

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Biotensegrity: your muscles are not levers

The old idea of a skeleton made of bones from which all other structures hang is outdated. Scientific research on fascia is showing that the biotensegrity model is much more accurate way to look at the body and at movement, and it opens a universe of possibilities.

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Suzee Grilleys “Twisting the Dragon”

In this little sequence we focus a lot on all the movements of the spine, and working on the muscles and fascia around the torso. A sweet moving sequence which is perfect to combine in any movement sequence or with the other “Suzee G’s” sequences.

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Suzee Grilleys “Animal Parade”

Suzee’s Animal Parade is a great cardiovasculair workout. If you just have a couple of minutes for your practice or if you want to combine it in an other practice. It isn’t a difficult sequence but moving wise it’s quite intense! Enjoy!

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Suzee Grilleys “Walking the Dragon”

Walking the Dragon is Part of Suzee Grilley’s “Animal parade”. A series of animal flow like movements. This serie is mostly strengthening the legs and working on balance. It’s not long but quite intense, especially when you do it a little faster. The sequence is: Stork, Owl, Flying dragon, back stance (retreated dragon), reaching dragon, […]

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Circum coxae iuncturam: around the hip

Circum coxae iuncturam, fancy Latin for: around the hip joint. In this very short 10 min class we move all the structures around the hip joints, stretching the muscles around and lubricating the hip joints themselves. It’s the ideal class to do in a short break or right after work when you where sitting for […]

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Easy meditation

This is an easy meditation, focusing on the spine, while in- and exhaling on Marcel’s count. After a while we will hold the breath for a short moment. This is what we call Kumbhaka; breath retention. Enjoy!

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Samskara’s: patterns of behavior, can we change or develop them?

We all have samskara’s or patterns of behavior stored in our chakras or we developed them in this lifetime. Samskaras can be bad or good, however they will influence our lives. During meditation you can ‘discover’ certain samskaras and work on changing them. Another thing is to develop a good samskara to change bad ones, […]

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The Eighth Limb: Samadhi

Samadhi is the culmination of our efforts, when the veil of illusion falls and our consciousness expends and perceives the entire universe. It is a state of bliss, of profound love and wisdom, when yogis become aware of their immortal and perfect Self. In other words: it is indescribable and impossible to fully comprehend with […]

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Limbs Six and Seven: Dharana & Dhyana

As we continue the explorations of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, we come into Dharana and Dhyana, In my own understanding those two work together beautifully: one is the effort that slowly calms the mind, the other is the effortless experience of that calmness. Like when learning to play an instrument, first we need the […]

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The Fifth Limb, Pratyahara: breaking free from the senses

The power of our senses can rule all our lives, enslaving us to everything that gives us pleasure and making us blindly run away from everything that gives us pain. Yogis teach is that learning to withdraw the power of the senses and to conserve that energy leads us to internal – spiritual – experiences […]

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The Fourth Limb: Prana is not breath but what makes us breathe

Pranayama is not the same as breathing exercises but they are definitely related. After exercising our nirodha on our outer life – our social behaviour with yamas and niyamas and our physical body with asana – we now fine tune our efforts and direct them to more subtle territory.

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The Third Limb: Asana, taking care of your meat suit

We have braced the waters of yamas and niyamas and arrived at what Patanjali calls the third limb of yoga, or the third level where we want to affect our conscious influence. As most of us know, asanas are the physical poses we do in our practice. We need to live as well as we […]

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The fourth niyama: svadhyaya, know thyself

Self-knowledge is indeed the most powerful tool for transformation and for owning our life and choices. It encourages us to look within in full honesty and friendliness and discover what truly motivates us in our actions.

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