Juice Up the Shoulders
Get the Glutes
Assisted Yin
Meditation on Muladhara, Svadhisthana & Ajna Chakra
After Work Yin
Training the primary Breath Muscles and Pranayama
in this class we do a couple of different exercises, to stimulate the primary breath muscles: the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles. This is a great preparation before Pranayama, however its great for most people since we tend to use the “wrong’ or secondary breath muscles more than the primary ones! we top this class […]
Pranayama and Meditation
About Breath
It turns out that at least 98% of our poplulation breaths wrong, resulting or enhancing stress, anxiety, burnout, insomnia, lung, nose and mouth related diseases and much more. so its really important to learn to breath in the most optimal way! We start with an introduction why we breath and what the mechanics behind breathing […]
Hatha for the Back
Backbends Fun
2 Minutes Yin Class
Chakra Meditation: Breath, Bandhas & Nada Sounds
Yoga Nidra
Yin Yoga With Props
Yin For Calmness
Awakening In The Mountains
Meditation on Manipura and Visuddha Chakra, charging your natural defense
Manipura chakra has a relationship with the stomach and spleen meridians while Visuddha chakra has a relationship with the lung and large intestine meridians. Meditating on these two centers will help you to charge up your natural defense system, of it could help you to let go of things you hold on to much but […]
The Change and The Changeless (through bear, elephant & other animals)
Pranayama on The Heart
Taking Care of your Natural Armor
The Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach and Spleen meridians are the outer layer of meridians, the are our defense system for everything that “attacks” from the outside. And from outside means everything outside, from a cold to negative impulses from people… If your Earth and Metal elements where these meridians are linked to are strong and […]