About Breath
It turns out that at least 98% of our poplulation breaths wrong, resulting or enhancing stress, anxiety, burnout, insomnia, lung, nose and mouth related diseases and much more. so its really important to learn to breath in the most optimal way! We start with an introduction why we breath and what the mechanics behind breathing […]
Chakra Meditation: Breath, Bandhas & Nada Sounds
About Pranayamas
Why Do We Meditate on the Chakras?
A Gita Inspired Flow
Karma Explained
Breaking Down Trikonasana
Biotensegrity: your muscles are not levers
Introduction to Mobility Training
What makes yoga yoga
A Word of Caution
Chakra Express: Visuddha – the purest
Yin & Yang Principles
Chakra Express: Anahata, the heart of it
Meditation: Why????
Samskaras: patterns of behaviour, can we change or develop them?
We all have samskaras or patterns of behaviour stored in our chakras or we developed them in this lifetime. Samskaras can be bad or good, however they will influence our lives. During meditation you can ‘discover’ certain samskaras and work on changing them. Another thing is to develop a good samskara to change bad ones, […]
The Eighth Limb: Samadhi
Samadhi is the culmination of our efforts, when the veil of illusion falls and our consciousness expends and perceives the entire universe. It is a state of bliss, of profound love and wisdom, when yogis become aware of their immortal and perfect Self. In other words: it is indescribable and impossible to fully comprehend with […]
Limbs Six and Seven: Dharana & Dhyana
As we continue the explorations of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, we come into Dharana and Dhyana, In my own understanding those two work together beautifully: one is the effort that slowly calms the mind, the other is the effortless experience of that calmness. Like when learning to play an instrument, first we need the […]
The Fifth Limb, Pratyahara: breaking free from the senses
The power of our senses can rule all our lives, enslaving us to everything that gives us pleasure and making us blindly run away from everything that gives us pain. Yogis teach is that learning to withdraw the power of the senses and to conserve that energy leads us to internal – spiritual – experiences […]
What are chakras and why should we care?
This is an attempt explore the possibility that chakras may not be as far-fetched as we normally think. Science gives us an entrance, but it cannot – yet – take us all the way, so some open mindedness is definitely required. It is my experience that the reward is definitely worth it, as chakra explorations […]