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About Breath

It turns out that at least 98% of our poplulation breaths wrong, resulting or enhancing stress, anxiety, burnout, insomnia, lung, nose and mouth related diseases and much more. so its really important to learn to breath in the most optimal way! We start with an introduction why we breath and what the mechanics behind breathing […]

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About Pranayamas

There is much confusion in yoga about what is pranayama, and its goals in our practices. Pranayma means the control of prana, the life force that circulates in our bodies and keeps us alive. Moving air in the lungs is one way of becoming aware of it, but not the only one. A short talk […]

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A Gita Inspired Flow

As you may know, the Bhagavad Gita is one of the most beloved and known books in the yoga tradition; less known is the fact that it is a small part of a much larger work, The Mahabharata. Here we learn about the five virtuous brothers who are devoid to justice, goodness and Lord Krishna, […]

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Karma Explained

Some concepts are so loaded with misconceptions and myth that they lose their capacity to communicate to us a clear, inspiring, helpful meaning. In this short talk we explore the concept of karma  and its importance in our lives.

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Breaking Down Trikonasana

In this lecture Marcel explains and breaks down Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose), why do we do this pose and what is the right way to do it for you?

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Biotensegrity: your muscles are not levers

The old idea of a skeleton made of bones from which all other structures hang is outdated. Scientific research on fascia is showing that the biotensegrity model is much more accurate way to look at the body and at movement, and it opens a universe of possibilities.

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Introduction to Mobility Training

In most of our yoga classes we focus on moving, strengthening certain muscles and adjusting the fascia of the body. In our mobility sessions we focus a little bit more on moving and trying to create as much movement/mobility as we can in one part of the body. It is important to keep in mind […]

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A Word of Caution

To practice alone at home you ned to really trust your intuition and body to guide you through the practice. This short talk takes you through what is ok and what is not ok to feel, especially nice if you are not used to this practice yet.

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Chakra Express: Visuddha – the purest

This short talk and meditation focuses on the fifth chakra, Visuddha. The highest of the five chakras located on the spinal cord, visuddha chakra regulates our whole respiratory system and also our capacity for calmness and non-attachment.

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Yin & Yang Principles

This talk was made with Tt students in mind, but of course you are all invited to join in the conversation. We explore the basic principles of Taoism and its basic manifestations as yin & yang. A little bit of philosophy can make a huge difference in how we practice and live (at least that’s […]

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Meditation: Why????

Meditation is widely recognised as being beneficial and even life changing, and still so very few people actually do it. A question that always arises is why should we do it all? Yogis look at meditation slightly differently than other practitioners do, this is a short exploration of these ideas.

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Samskaras: patterns of behaviour, can we change or develop them?

We all have samskaras or patterns of behaviour stored in our chakras or we developed them in this lifetime. Samskaras can be bad or good, however they will influence our lives. During meditation you can ‘discover’ certain samskaras and work on changing them. Another thing is to develop a good samskara to change bad ones, […]

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The Eighth Limb: Samadhi

Samadhi is the culmination of our efforts, when the veil of illusion falls and our consciousness expends and perceives the entire universe. It is a state of bliss, of profound love and wisdom, when yogis become aware of their immortal and perfect Self. In other words: it is indescribable and impossible to fully comprehend with […]

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Limbs Six and Seven: Dharana & Dhyana

As we continue the explorations of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, we come into Dharana and Dhyana, In my own understanding those two work together beautifully: one is the effort that slowly calms the mind, the other is the effortless experience of that calmness. Like when learning to play an instrument, first we need the […]

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The Fifth Limb, Pratyahara: breaking free from the senses

The power of our senses can rule all our lives, enslaving us to everything that gives us pleasure and making us blindly run away from everything that gives us pain. Yogis teach is that learning to withdraw the power of the senses and to conserve that energy leads us to internal – spiritual – experiences […]

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What are chakras and why should we care?

This is an attempt explore the possibility that chakras may not be as far-fetched as we normally think. Science gives us an entrance, but it cannot – yet – take us all the way, so some open mindedness is definitely required. It is my experience that the reward is definitely worth it, as chakra explorations […]

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The Fourth Limb: Prana is not breath but what makes us breathe

Pranayama is not the same as breathing exercises but they are definitely related. After exercising our nirodha on our outer life – our social behaviour with yamas and niyamas and our physical body with asana – we now fine tune our efforts and direct them to more subtle territory.

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The Third Limb: Asana, taking care of your meat suit

We have braced the waters of yamas and niyamas and arrived at what Patanjali calls the third limb of yoga, or the third level where we want to affect our conscious influence. As most of us know, asanas are the physical poses we do in our practice. We need to live as well as we […]

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