Move, Breathe, Meditate 2
Chakras Express: Svadhisthana, second chakra
Continuing our light exploration of the chakras, we now concentrate on the second center, Svadhisthana. This chakra, localised between the lower belly and the sacrum, regulates many functions in the body, specifically related to our kidneys, urinary bladder and sexuality. This is a extremely powerful center; as with all the others, the power here can […]
Chakras Express: Muladhara, the first chakra
This is our first instalment of a series of 7 different meditations, meant to help us bring awareness to these very important energy centers that yogis have been exploring for literally thousands of years. This is a great companion for the articles on chakras I have been writing for Yoga International (Dutch edition) but we […]
Morning Express: Core & Back for a Shining Day
These 25 minutes are packed with movement to strengthen your core and open your heart, a great combination to prepare us for life: we have the strength to deal with whatever comes and the openness to embrace our path. Expect to move and maybe sweat a little, and a short meditation at the end reminds […]
Morning Express: Offer & Bow
This is one of my favourites, a complete body and intention practice, opening both the front and the back of the body, especially nice for days when you are short on time but need to open and energise everything. The most challenging part of the class is the coordination between front and back of mat, […]