Imagine yourself on a ship in the middle of the ocean on a stormy night, with strong winds and huge waves. Even with a navigation system telling you which direction to go, staying the course would be quite a challenge when being tossed around by the elements. Now, let’s say you decide to embark on […]
Author: Ehud Neuhaus
Ehud Neuhaus has been studying and assisting Anat Geiger and Marcel van de Vis Heil in their Functional Yoga Teacher Training since 2013 and in the last years studying with Paul and Suzee Grilley.
Ehud’s teaching style is playful and introspective, mostly combining Yang and Yin aspects in his classes. Asana and philosophy are both practiced on the mat.
The Functional Approach
By now you probably know that we at The Fat Yogis and The Functional Yoga Teacher Training, as the name suggests, teach functional yoga. And you probably also know that functional yoga is not a style of yoga, like Ashtanga, Vinyasa or Yin Yoga, but an approach to its practice. What is the foundation of […]
The Science of Meditation: How to Change Your Brain, Mind and Body – Book Review
These days meditation can refer to a wide variety of practices and techniques, ranging from mindfulness to vipassana to chakra meditation. The benefits of these practices are becoming more evident as more and more research is being done in this field. The roots of meditation are in ancient spiritual practices, but some modern varieties (such […]