TFY Home Retreat – Day Four

This is the last day, or maybe better said: morning. We have one more meditation for you and a practice to open the day with.

Thank you for joining us and thank yourself for making it all the way here. It can be a challenge to stick to it at home… You did it!


Morning (75 minutes)

8:00 – Meditation on Muladhara, Svadhisthana & Ajna Chakra – 25 min.

In this meditation we focus on Muladhara and Svadhistana chakra for most of the time, then go up to Ajna chakra.

8:30 – Breathe, then move – 50 min.

Starting with a short Pranayama exercise to clean the respiratory system and calm the energy we then move to some vigorous movement and closing off with some quiet yin.

Please feel free to share how you’re getting on, your pleasures and struggles or anything else you want us to know by tagging @TheFatYogis